Safe Aromatherapy use for babies and children

With guidance from a qualified practitioner, essential oils and other aspects of aromatherapy can safely be used to treat many minor ailments in babies and children. However, extra special care needs to be taken when treating young children, for reasons outlined...

What is the best oil to use for baby massage?

The act of massaging our babies has been shown to have so many benefits when techniques are practised correctly. The medium we use to massage our babies with is also vitally important. Why is it important to use the right oil for baby massage? There are several...

Can Aromatherapy help Muscular and Joint problems?

Musculoskeletal pain may be transient, in response to physical exercise or injury, or more chronic, for example in osteoarthritis. Clinical aromatherapy can be very effective in helping to treat these problems. Essential oils and other aspects of aromatherapy...

What is an aromatherapist?

The word “aromatherapist” implies a person who uses aromas in therapy. Yes, that’s true, however as I’m often saying “it’s more than just nice smells”. As with most occupations it’s your qualifications and experience that give you the right to call yourself a...

Aromatic Support for New Mothers

“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new” Yogi Rajneesh I love this quote, so simple and so true! I often liken the ‘process’ of becoming a mother to...